Blue Cedar Sport Dogs
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The following illustrates a way to train turns by breaking the task into a series of steps. Each step introduces a single change to a previously learned behavior. I don't move on to the next step until I'm sure my dog understands the current step fully. Every time I have tried taking shortcuts I have found problems or poor techniques result.

Training sessions only last a few minutes, each starts with one or two repetitions of the previous lesson to get the dog excited and confident. When introducing the next step, if the dog doesn't get it after a couple of tries, go back to the previous step to ensure a high rate of reward. You can also throw in some other tricks to keep the dog working with you, then go back and try once more. If once again I'm asking too much I simply add an easier intermediate step. Too many failures in a row will cause unnecessary frustration and confusion and can cause a dog to lose confidence.

Breaking an activity into simple steps is the easiest way to keep it fun and exciting.


Teach pushing with the front legs for rotation while your dog learns the body language for a send.


Your dog learns that getting all four feet over the prop is required in order to earn tug play.


Associating 'four feet over' with the prop transfers to a swimmers turn on the ramp